My passion for the world of figurines!
A few years ago, a friend introduced me to the Warhammer 40'000 universe. But before, I preferred the Lego®. Finally, in early 2018, I wanted to meet these Warhammer 40'000 miniatures. Since,
I got down to it!
Warhammer 40K is a range of plastic kit figurines from the Games Workshop® brand. English designers have created a gargantuan universe. What I like most about this universe is its huge historical importance.
I published on this site some of my creations. I'm pretty proud of it.
The Imperial Guard is Mankind’s primary and most numerous defence. With soldiers, battle tanks and artillery beyond number, they are the sledgehammer force that, though slow to deploy, delivers a devastating payload when its cumbersome blows land. Soldiers of the Imperial Guard are men, not gene-enhanced superhumans. They fight not with the most finely crafted armaments in the galaxy, but with the weapons and armour that can be cheaply and easily mass-produced.
Space Marines are organised into Chapters, each consisting of one thousand battle-brothers and possessed of their own armouries, fighting vehicles, space fleets and towering fortress monasteries. Though there is less than one warrior of the Adeptus Astartes for every planet in the Imperium, it is a testament to their sheer might and heroism that this number is still sufficient to hurl back the enemies of Humanity upon every front.
The Adeptus Mechanicus is an ancient organisation of Tech-Priests who venerate the Emperor in the form of the Omnissiah, the Machine God. They are a strange, dispassionate breed, obsessed with the acquisition of lost knowledge. The fume-choked forge worlds of the Adeptus Mechanicus pump out a constant flow of munitions, weapons and war machines for the armies of the Imperium.
An Imperial Knight is a towering behemoth, a vast bipedal fighting machine clad in a demi-god’s raiment of war. With arms and armour fit to face an entire army of lesser foes, each Knight suit is further protected by a crackling ion shield. Directed by the Knights’ noble pilots, these relics of Imperial techno-science can stave off almost any attack amid coruscating showers of vivid sparks. Knight suits proudly display the panoply of the noble house to which they belong, and an entire army of these vast, glorious war engines on the march is enough to drive many foes from the field in terror.
Though few realise it, the weight of Mankind’s hopes against the alien apocalypse are borne upon the broad shoulders of the Deathwatch. These warriors form the Shield that Slays, a noble brotherhood of paragons whose might is sufficient to hurl back a hundred alien invasions and still not seek rest. They are the vigilant few, the watchmen in the void, whose star-borne fortresses stand guard against terrors unimaginable.
Amongst the elite brotherhood of Space Marines, there exists a Chapter destined to stand apart from their battle-brothers, for it is their sworn duty to fight Chaos in its most terrible form. The Grey Knights act as the military arm of the Ordo Malleus, the Daemonhunters who form the oldest branch of the Inquisition.
As the favoured champions of the Chaos Gods, the heretics are blessed with many gifts. They may have profane boons bestowed upon them which grant unnatural strength and resilience, or horrific weapon-mutations that can peel the flesh from a foe with sickening ease. All manner of hideous creatures dwell within the warp, a hellish, roiling dimension in which the greatest passions and fears of mortal creatures are given terrible form. Acts of monstrous atrocity or foul ritual can weaken the barriers between realms, unleashing the nightmare of a daemonic incursion into realspace. Led by horrifically powerful Greater Daemons and Daemon Princes – mortals who have been granted the gift of Daemonhood – these profane hosts fight alongside bands of Heretic Astartes and crazed cultists.
The belligerent and warlike Orks have been a blight on the galaxy since time immemorial. The entire culture of these brutish xenos is centred around warfare. They live for the exhilaration of a good fight, the deafening thunder of gunfire, and the rush of hurtling into battle in speeding, ramshackle fighting vehicles. When gathered into their billions-strong hordes they can spell the doom of entire space sectors. Ork technology is scrapped together from whatever raw materials are found near to hand, and as a result it is ramshackle, crude and often dangerously unreliable. Despite, or perhaps because of this unpredictability, it can also be utterly deadly – to the wielder as well as his target.
The Aeldari are an alien race that once ruled the galaxy. Technologically, militarily and intellectually the Aeldari are as far superior to Humanity as Humanity are to primitive simians. They possess weapons that can extinguish stars, they tread secret paths beyond the bounds of reality, and their towering psychic might allows them to read and weave the strands of fate itself. Yet for all this the Aeldari are but an echo, a faded, splintered remnant of their former glory. Their numbers dwindle by the decade, and their battle is now one of survival, not supremacy.
The Tyranids are the most alien of the races to infest Imperial space, for they come from beyond. Their hive fleets stretch out like tendrils, great chitinous bio-ships drifting in brooding silence. Once the remorseless shoals of the bioships detect the presence of a prey world, they close upon their target, grasping it like some many-tentacled beast seizing its food. In the ensuing invasion, the world will be consumed, for the Tyranids hunger for all living matter. There is no escape from this final embrace and when the Tyranids finally depart, they leave behind a barren world, a scoured ball of rock now devoid of anything that lives.
On the Eastern Fringe of the galaxy, far from the centralised control of Terra, a new empire is growing. Ambitious and united in purpose, the xenos race known as the T’au seeks to spread its ‘enlightenment’ across the stars. Although barely registering as a blip against the size of the unthinkably sprawling Imperium of Man, the rapid rise and expansion of the T’au has been startling. Although the T’au lead their colonisation efforts with a range of parable-speaking diplomats who offer alien populations peaceful opportunities to join the rising empire, the T’au army is always close behind, ready to be called in should dialogue prove fruitless.
The Necrons are a race of sentient androids who long ago traded away their souls for the gift of immortality. For millennia beyond counting they have slumbered within their tomb worlds, sprawling crypt-fortresses that house billions-strong armies and ranks of deadly war machines. With every passing year more Necrons arise from this long stasis, and as they awaken so they begin the process of reforging their dynastic empires, which once ruled the galaxy with an iron fist.
There are two types of tournaments in Warhammer
The tournaments, take place over a short period: a weekend or at most 2 weeks. The number of players is limited to twenty who are found to compete on table games.
The Campaigns, take place over a period defined by the masters of the game. This type of meeting is open to any interested player. A campaign is not really limited in space. Players organize themselves to compete and send their results to the masters of the game via internet.
I share the video of the Venexian Sector campaign. This is the first time I participate in such an event, since I am a novice.
There is no limit of players so welcome to interested!
The campaign will begin on February 1, 2019. In the meantime, Planet wargame, the masters of the game of the campaign, propose a precamp session. So, even if you do not plan to participate, check out their YouTube channel and Live.
Here is the explanatory PDF of the campaign.